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Children are much quicker at learning a foreign language because their brains are still forming and accept new information much easier. Research tells us that the younger a child is, the more susceptible they are to learning new things, because their brain is that much more pliable. When children are exposed to a foreign language at an early age, they learn in a method that works for their brains.  Many language learning programs are trying to replicate this learning process.


This year we wil be working on themes which are aligned with our Spanish curriculum.. 

We will begin our study previewing the ancient Maya. This topic will include the study of Chichen Itza one of the seven world wonders. The Maya were an advanced civilization who have contributed much to our present day society.  


During the first marking period we will study Los Saludos, greetings, Los Colores Y Los Numeros.


Our lessons will include singing, dancing, and dialogue. The first marking period will serve as a review of the above topics.




Why Study Spanish

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